Termín „klauzule“ se do angličtiny překládá jako „clause“. Tento termín popisuje konkrétní ustanovení, podmínku nebo doložku obsaženou v právním dokumentu, například ve smlouvě nebo dohodě.
The term „klauzule“ is translated into English as „clause“. It refers to a specific provision, condition, or stipulation contained in a legal document, such as a contract or agreement. In legal translation, the term „klauzule“ is commonly rendered as „clause“ in English. Each clause in a contract outlines a particular aspect of the agreement, defining rights, obligations, or limitations. When translating from Czech to English, the term „klauzule“ is accurately translated as „clause“. It plays a crucial role in legal documents, as each clause establishes the terms and conditions governing the contractual relationship.
The translation of the legal term „klauzule“ into English in the context of the Tým akademických překladatelů v Praze (Academic Translation Team in Prague) can vary depending on the specific usage and preferences of the team. However, a common translation for „klauzule“ in this context would be „clause“ or „provision.“ These terms refer to specific sections or provisions within a legal document that outline rights, obligations, conditions, or limitations. It is important to consult with the Tým akademických překladatelů v Praze or refer to their specific guidelines to determine the preferred translation for „klauzule“ in their legal translati