Výňatek z překladu dopisu do anglického jazyka

  • 7.3.2023

„MH graduated at the Charles University in Prague, where he studied pharmacy, and where he also obtained his attestation in Pharmacology. Immediately after the graduation, he started to work in this field. He started as a clerk in a pharmacy (issued prescription drugs), but later on he became the supervisor of the apothecary. Not long after he became the manager of one chain of apothecaries in Czech Republic. As a manager, and later on as a co-owner of another company which owns a chain of pharmacies, he opened new branches, trained staff, purchased pharmaceuticals from distribution companies, managed a distribution warehouse, and he also oversaw the export of medicaments and dietary supplements to both EU and non-EU countries, and he does this to the present day.

The second owner of this company, Mr. TT, graduated in the field of economics and since then his positions were, first a banker and then a bank manager for one of the leading banks, in Prague, the capital city of Czech Republic. Mr. T is experienced in the field of banking, economy, management, chairmanship of companies, accounting and taxes. He has longstanding experiences with creating business ties with clients, but he also has a vast portfolio of contacts in the very sector of pharmaceutical companies and makers and distributors of dietary supplements. To many of these people, he was introduced to thanks to his wife, who for more than 7 years worked for a network of apothecaries, in the position of business manager. Her main focus was trade, in other words procurement of products from distributors or directly from manufacturers. Other contacts Mr. T made himself and then he went on and enhanced those business relationships further.“  Další životopisy a motivační dopisy, si od nás můžete nechat přeložit i expresně v nočním čase, ZDE. 

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